Canned food M. A. Revilla
Buy Anchovies and Preserves M.A. Revilla
Canned Revilla is a young canning company that develops anchovy in the municipality of Santoña, Cantabria, since 2013, a family tradition, and artisan who wanted to continue to strengthen this great product in the region, with the brand name M. A. Revilla, name of the president of Cantabria which was authorized to use his name in exchange for donating a 2% to charitable causes.

Canned Miguel Angel Revilla Canned MA Revilla is a family business founded recently in the year 2013, with the hope of recovering the family tradition of the development of the anchovy. Their commitment is to develop anchovies of the best quality, with the species Engraulis Encrasicolus from the bay of biscay and during the coastal spring, where are the copies more tasty and expensive on the market. After cleaning the anchovies are ripening in salted fish between 10 and 15 months, after working them by hand with dedication. The president of Cantabria Miguel Angel Revilla was authorized to put their name to the brand in exchange for the 2% of the sales go to the “Kitchen economic de Santander”, so when you enjoy these anchovies are also contributing to a good cause. Santoña cradle of the best anchovies in the world The italians, first elaborators of anchovies, due to the lack of fishing on its coasts at the end of the NINETEENTH century came to the cantabrian sea in search of fishing quality to be able to develop anchovies. It was as well as came to Santoña, finding there a suitable place to settle. Each time there were more families that were established in Santoña, and began to arise the first factories, was as well as Santoña became the birthplace of the anchovy, engaging the greater part of its population to the production of the best anchovies. In Santoña, located in Cantabria, about 40 minutes from the capital, are copies of higher quality, pescándose during the coastal spring, and using the techniques in the artisan and traditional production, get the best anchovies. What is an anchovy 00? It is known as anchovy 00 to the anchovy of great size. This type of anchovy is difficult to find because it's in short supply, so units are limited. In the format of Preserved MA Revilla we can find 12/14 anchovies big size, with butter, ecological, and way of making old that was practiced by the italians in the NINETEENTH century. The butter makes it a delicious cream that enhances the flavor of the anchovies. Its taste is pleasant, delicious, anchovies of the best quality hand-made. How canned Anchovies MA Revilla? To preserve the anchovies MA Revilla in the best conditions should be kept in the refrigerator, ensuring that they are cold and are not affected by the heat, which can cause them to lose property and go out. To enjoy them is to take them out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before so that will be atemperando and the butter becomes a smooth cream and delicious. Furthermore, the format on can is the most recommended because in the can is not affects neither the light nor the vapor that may be created in the glass jars. To be in a horizontal position presentation is better, and increases the recommended time to consume them. What fish is the anchovy? The anchovy is an elaboration of the bocarte, which is a blue fish. In Canned MA Revilla lend special dedication to getting the bocarte of greater quality, for then, with care and dedication, to develop anchovies of quality, using traditional techniques and artisan as the kneading by hand, which consists in the cleaning and preparation of each fillet individually. Enjoy anchovies of Santoña in butter green, a great delicacy of craftsmanship.