Enjoy the exclusive flavor of the Anchovies Mariposa Alta Restauración with this Savings Pack of 12 cans of Don Bocarte! A gourmet delicatessen that will delight the most demanding palates, don't miss it!
Savings Pack 12 Cans of Anchovies Mariposa Alta Restauración, Don Bocarte
What do we find in this savings pack?
We have prepared this savings pack with 12 cans of anchovies in Mariposa Alta Restauración, so you can enjoy this delicacy with a saving.
In these Mariposas anchovies we find anchovies elaborated in a different way, the anchovy in "butterfly" is a form of presentation where the skin is kept and the anchovy is joined by the tail.
It is a traditional format but very scarce and uncommon among the current canneries, so it is highly valued among anchovy lovers. Its particularity means that it is prepared almost on demand, so it is not easy to find.
- Large anchovies 6-8 fillets cut in half
- Cantabrian anchovies
- Olive oil
Benefits of Mariposa Don Bocarte anchovies:
Rueda anchovies are rich in omega-3, which helps lower plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels, also increasing blood fluidity, preventing thrombi and clots. Rich in vitamins B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12, all of them with important functions. Fat-soluble vitamins such as A and D, contributing to the regeneration of tissues and skin, favoring resistance to infections, and necessary for the development of the nervous system and night vision. Vitamin D helps blood calcium levels and favors its absorption and fixation. Minerals, magnesium and iodine.
Don Bocarte Preserves
Don Bocarte is a canning company that offers prestigious fish. But not only this makes them excellent, but also the handmade and manual elaboration, a scrupulous cleaning one by one and curing in salting, which makes that the production is limited.
Located in Santoña, Don Bocarte was born in 1997 and its dedication has turned this company into one of the most valued in the sector. Its success is due to the selection of the best raw material from the Cantabrian Sea and the care it dedicates to the canning process.
Packaging description
It is the ideal format for an appetizer to open and finish it is perfect to taste an anchovy in any occasion and not to leave open a bigger can.
For 1 or 2 persons.
To share a pleasant moment with friends, or why not a small whim to enjoy at any time.
The greatest dangers of anchovies are light, heat and oxygen, so canned formats are the most suitable for a perfect state of preservation of its properties.
How to taste Don Bocarte Anchovies?
Being cold, salt and oil tend to solidify, and that is why it is necessary to take the can out of the refrigerator about 20 minutes before to let it get to room temperature and dissolve, so you can enjoy all the flavor and quality of the anchovies.
Anchovies, olive oil and salt.